A Review of 2023
I noticed it’s been over a year since we’ve had an addition to this homepage. Not a lot has gone on but I will find something to entertain you in this blog post.
Firstly our cat Tessa died in January of 2023. She was fairly old and we believe it was cancer but in the end she went peacefully. She’s buried in the courtyard.

In the spring of 2023, we made a major purchase. A brand new zero turn lawn tractor. Country Clipper is the brand name, I was fairly impressed. It has a 23 horsepower Kohler engine, 48 inch deck and can cut grass at 7 1/2 miles an hour. Crazy fast turning as well, which results in 50% time saving in cutting around all our trees. The new one has an hour timer and for the entire season we only put 17 1/2 hours into mowing the lawn. Mind you this was partly because there was a drought in August which stunted the grass growth.

I spent some time with bill near Morley helping him fix up a shed he had purchased. I can’t for five days on two separate occasions in his backyard on the Morley reserve. I managed to take my bike and do a little biking, I also found the Beaufort Creek and took a much needed swim in the cool waters on hot summer day. At the same time, Laurie visited Kiersten at the cottage. Kiersten had a summer job in Oxtongue lake. I’ll leave it to you to figure out which photo is from whom and where. Good luck.