Below are the blog posts starting with most recent. Read comment, and Enjoy.

  • 2024 Spring Edition of the Hepbun Home Page

    A Review of 2023 I noticed it’s been over a year since we’ve had an addition to this homepage. Not a lot has gone on but I will find something to entertain you in this blog post. Firstly our cat Tessa died in January of 2023. She was fairly old and we believe it was […]

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  • 2022 Christmas Edition of the Hepburn Home Page

    End of Summer Harvest Can pumpkins be used as Christmas decorations? I have quite a few. Those pumpkin seedlings, referred to in the spring edition blog post , did extremely well. I wasn’t there to harvest them. I was in Ontario working on the cabin. When I got back the entire garden had been harvested […]

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  • 2022 Spring Edition of the Hepburn Home Page

    Today it has been another nice day, warmer that usual. The sun is shining and thoughts turn to outdoor activities. Should I take off the snowblower and put back on the mower deck to the yard tractor? Let’s not be to hasty. It’s only April 6th and this is “Upper Canada” after all. Planting seeds […]

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  • 2021 Summer Edition of the Hepburn Home Page

    Pandemic Edition. No there is no entry for the past 3 years. Too busy fighting zombies. Here is a great soundtrack for the past year or so: Well, tongue-in-cheek sort of thing. The above “band” was inspired by the original computer game “Doom”. I get a kick of the music label “INTERNET DAEMON NETLABEL”. […]

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